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Premier Bank
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Loan & Credit Line Payment

This calculator helps determine your loan or line payment. For a loan payment, select fixed-term loan. For a credit line payment, you can choose 2%, 1.5% or 1.0% of the outstanding balance or interest only.
By changing any value in the following form fields, calculated values are immediately provided for displayed output values. Click the view report button to see all of your results.

Financial Calculators from

Financial Calculators ©1998-2024 KJE Computer Solutions, Inc.

Loan & Credit Line Payment Calculator › Premier Bank
*indicates required.
Ending balance:
Total interest paid:
Total payments:
**FIG_GRAPHTITLE** Column Graph: Please use the calculator's report to see detailed calculation results in tabular form.


Loan amount

Total dollar amount of your loan.

Interest rate

The annual interest rate, often called an annual percentage rate (APR) for this loan or line of credit.

Monthly payment

Monthly principal and interest payment (PI) for this loan or line of credit.

Term in months

Number of months for this loan or line of credit.

Payment options

Select the option that matches your payment type:

  • Fixed rate term
    Traditional amortization produces a fixed monthly payment. The monthly payment calculated will leave a zero balance at the end of the loan's term.

  • 2%, 1.5% or 1% of balance
    Your minimum payment is calculated as a percentage of the outstanding principal balance. Your minimum payment will change each month, and if you only make the minimum payment your balance will not be zero at the end of your loan's term.

  • 100% of interest owed
    For lines paying interest owed, your payment is 100% of the interest accrued during the month but no principal. Your payment may not be fixed if your interest rate or principal balance changes.

Information and interactive calculators are made available to you only as self-help tools for your independent use and are not intended to provide investment or tax advice. We cannot and do not guarantee their applicability or accuracy in regards to your individual circumstances. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes. We encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding all personal finance issues.